Sunday, September 1, 2013

Weekend Fun

This weekend was crazy busy and fun, which is why I haven't written!

Friday we took our placement test for German. I think it went pretty well, but we'll find out tomorrow!

After the placement test we had one short meeting and then we didn't have much to do.  Tyler and I met up with Amber - the friend from Lawrence who's in Berlin for a couple of days - to go do a little sightseeing.  We went to Brandenburger Tor and walked around in that area for a while! We also went to the Memorial to the murdered Roma and Sinti Gypsies, which I've seen before.  After that we went to a cafe next to the Berliner Dom to relax for a little bit.

The next day, I met up with Tyler and we cooked lunch in his apartment.  After that, we hung out with another girl from our program and then meet up with a larger group for dinner at a Thai restaurant.  That night was "Lange Nacht der Museen", where a bunch of museums (I think 95) are open from 6pm - 2am and you buy one ticket for 12 Euro and you can visit any museums you want to!  The ticket also covers transportation between museums.  We started pretty late, so we didn't get to go to as many as we wanted to.  We planned on going to museums that we weren't SUPER interested in, because those are ones that we want to see in more detail.  We ended up seeing the Museum for Film and Television, the Ethnological Museum, and the Museum for European Culture.  It was pretty fun - although I wished we had seen a few more!

Today we went on a Bus Tour around Berlin.  I had seen almost all of the sights before, so it was kind of boring...  Although I guess I did learn a little bit  more about some of the history.  (In all honesty, I read my book for part of the ride)

After the tour, Tyler and I went out for a "typical German" dinner.  I had schnitzel with Bratkartoffeln and vegetables! It was delicious (although not as good as when Martin makes it!)! :)

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