Friday, September 13, 2013

Deutsches Historisches Museum

So on Thursday, we went to the Deutsches Historisches Museum.  We were in groups of 2 or 3 and were assigned a specific time period.  We had to take pictures of some of the important artifacts and then on Friday we had to present on the period!

My group had The Reformation and the 30 Year War.  We picked that time period, because that's the time period that we knew the least about... Actually, every group picked earlier time periods (all before WWII), because we have learned about WWII and the aftermath basically every year in school.

So the museum was actually pretty interesting! I like history museums a lot (definitely more than art museums!), but I'm always exhausted afterwards because there is so much information!  We saw the Bible that Martin Luther translated from Latin to German (above), and a bunch of other really cool things!
During the plague, doctors would wear this
(with chemicals and smelling salts in the "beak") in order to not get sick.
After we finished looking around our section, we looked around some of the other areas.

After that, Tyler and I went out to eat at a cute and pretty reasonably priced restaurant!  I had Geschnetzeltes with Spätzle and Tyler had Putenschnitzel with Salzkartoffeln. It was delicious!

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