Monday, September 9, 2013

Potsdam and the Weekend

Ooops...sorry it's been a few days!  I was a little busy, but for the most part I was just lazy! :)

The end of last week wasn't all that exciting.  I had a meeting about possibly doing a practicum with kids that have autism, but I won't know much until I have a one-on-one meeting with the person in charge on Wednesday.  Even then, I probably won't be able to start until October, but that's okay.

Anyways, on Saturday we went to Potsdam!  It was a really long day - and it was sort of worth it.

I was in Potsdam last December and saw the whole area around Sanssouci (A palace in Potsdam - it means "No Worries"), which is what we did in the afternoon, so that was pretty repetitive.  In fact, I could pretty much guess what the tour guide was going to tell us next.

The morning was pretty informative, though!  We walked all around the city of Potsdam and saw some churches and other cool sights.  Our "tour guide" for the morning was actually one of the IES professors.  He was a pretty cool tour guide, although he did talk a lot.

The Brandenburger Tor in Potsdam (It's acually older than the
Brandenburger Tor in Berlin - and much smaller!)
This building used to be a horse barn!
After our tour through the city, we had lunch and then went to the Sanssouci Park.  The weather on Saturday was absolutely perfect - but that meant that the park was full of people!  The last time I was at Sanssouci it had snowed the night before and was super cold - so this was definitely a nice change of pace!  

Like I said, I didn't learn much of anything, but it was still nice to walk around and take some pretty pictures! :)

Other than that, I really didn't do that much this weekend.  Tyler and I went to a flea market in the Mauerpark, and even though I didn't buy anything, it was pretty fun!  

I'm not really liking my German class, because right now it's focusing a lot on grammar that I mostly know...oh well, I guess practice can't hurt!

Hopefully I'll do something exciting this week so I have something to write about!


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