Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Deutsch Unterricht

Well, the biggest news is that I made it into the highest German class!  I'm pretty happy about it, especially since it focuses a lot on speaking and not so much on grammar.  We are also learning about things like politics and crimes, which is cool and is expanding my vocab!

I haven't done much in the way of sightseeing so far this week...I have a little cold so I've been going to bed pretty early.  I've taken a couple of walks around the area that I live in and I've gone grocery shopping as well.  (I had mango-vanilla yogurt today and it was the best thing ever!)

I did find out that it's possible for me to do a practicum working with children that have autism!! I was talking to the lady in charge of practicums/internships and she said that the best Autistic school in Europe is located in Berlin and that they have had students do practicums there before! We're having a meeting about it tomorrow and I'm super excited! I hope it works out!

Other than that, not much has been going on... we're going to Potsdam on Saturday, so that should be fun - even though I've already been there.

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