Thursday, September 19, 2013

Busy Week!

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted!  I had a really busy week!  So to catch you up:

Sunday, we went to the Reichstag.  I didn't know what to do beforehand, so I went to the Tiergarten (which is right near the Reichstag) and walked around for about an hour and a half.  It still amazes me that I live in this massive city, yet I can still find peaceful, green places like this!

The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

I was there last December as well, but this time we actually got a tour of the inside of the Reichstag!  The tour itself was a little boring, but it was cool seeing the inside.
The Room where the German parliament votes
Russian graffiti from when the Russians had
control of the Reichstag

All in all, I'm glad I went, since I hadn't seen the inside of the Reichstag before!

On Tuesday, we went to an art museum for our German class.  It was actually the same museum that I went to last December, so I was thoroughly bored - not to mention that I don't like art museums much.  I didn't take any just imagine a lot of boring paintings picturing Mary and the baby Jesus (I'm not even kidding - that's what most of this museum was).

On Wednesday, Tyler and I took a tour through a bunker used during WW2 and the Cold War.  The bunker that we went to is actually in an U-Bahn Station, which is pretty cool!  The tour itself was very interesting and informative - but we weren't allowed to take pictures inside :( 

Tomorrow we have another German test, which will determine which German class we will be in for the rest of the semester.  I'm not worried about it - I don't really care what class I get in to!

Other than that, I fly down to my mom on Saturday, and will stay there for a week!  So my posts will come from Southern Germany for a week!  We're planning on doing a couple of day trips as well as some relaxing days!

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