Saturday, August 24, 2013

Leaving on a Jet Plane

AHH I leave tomorrow!  I'm (mostly) all packed - I don't have a whole lot of extra room, but I'm not close on weight, so that's good.

Yesterday my mom, brother, best friend/roommate, and I went to the Packer game as a sort of last hurrah!  Even though we lost, it was a really enjoyable game - and the perfect way to say goodbye to Wisconsin!

Tonight, my mom, her friend Mary, and I are going to go out to dinner and just relax (while I probably repack - again.) And then tomorrow we'll have a relaxing morning, and then we'll leave around 3 to Chicago.  It doesn't really feel real yet!

I've had some contact with my host family, who seem super nice!  They live about a 10 minute walk away from the center where I take all of my classes - which is great!  They're an older couple (about 50 years old) and they just renovated their apartment, so I'm really looking forward to meeting them soon!

That's it for time I post, I'll be in Berlin!!

"Leaving on a Jet Plane" - John Denver (My theme song for the next day or two!)


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