Thursday, October 17, 2013

Warning: This is an Unhappy Post

WARNING WARNING WARNING: This is going to be an unhappy post.

Ok, it's not going to be that unhappy.  I've just had a long day and I'm stressing about homework and money.

Thursdays are my worst day, since I'm in class from 8:30am until 6:00pm (with a small break where I can eat something, do a little reading, etc.) so that's one of the reasons that I'm so crabby.

I'm stressing just a little bit about money, but I'm pretty sure I'll be okay.  Another reason that I'm crabby is that a lot of people (both in my program and in different study abroad programs) are traveling a lot and going to other countries, and I just can't afford it.  I guess I feel that since I'm already in Europe I should travel, not to mention that I feel like everyone else is.  One of the main problems is that flying out of Berlin is enormously expensive because the current airport (there's a new one being built) is too small to handle the amount of flights that it currently has.  So flying to London from Berlin is around $276; not that I've looked or anything. ;)

I am glad that I'm not relying on my parents/grandparents for money while I'm here, but it just means that I have to make some sacrifices.  If it's not too expensive and I can find someone to go with me, I may go to Hamburg for a weekend, so we'll see what happens.

I'm actually not that crabby is what it is.  Writing about it helped :)

I'll probably write about my practicum tomorrow.  I go on Mondays and Fridays and Monday it went really well!  I'll write about it in more detail soon!

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