Thursday, October 10, 2013

That Time When Classes Started and Stephanie Didn't Update Her Blog For a Week

Well...I've been remiss in updating this blog lately.  I'm going to blame it on classes starting and getting used to my new let's go with that.

Besides classes, I really haven't been up to much this past week.  The weekend was pretty boring and I didn't do much.

Like I said, classes started this week (ok, technically they started last week, but four of my classes were delayed by a week).  My schedule isn't the greatest, but it seems like it will work pretty well with my practicum (which I'll write about in another post once it actually starts).  Tuesdays and Thursdays I essentially have classes all day, so that'll be a tad difficult.  Mondays I only have 2 classes and Wednesdays I only have 1 though, so those days will be the days I go to my practicum - as well as Fridays, when I don't have any classes.

As far as my classes go, they seem relatively interesting so far.  I like all of my teachers, too.

I'll probably talk about all of my classes in greater detail later, but for now I'll tell you a little about my Theater in Berlin class!

We had our first meeting on Monday, and went right to our first play!  We saw "Ödipus Stadt", which is about the story of Oedipus, beginning right before he finds out that he's married to his mother.  (If you haven't read/heard of Oedipus before, you're probably a tad confused/ here:

The play itself was...interesting.  It was my first experience of a play spoken in German, and I'm just glad I knew the history of Oedipus!  It would've been very hard to understand otherwise!  It was an interesting staging of the play - there weren't any real 'costumes' (the actors just wore regular clothes) and there also weren't any props.  It relied mainly on facial expressions and speaking, which was really interesting!

Other than that, I haven't done anything besides homework this week!  Hopefully I'll do something fun this weekend so I can blog about it! :)

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